
DARPA Triage Challenge

Our team secured 2nd place in the self-funded category and 5th overall position in Phase 1 of the DARPA Triage Systems Competition, held at Guardian Centers in Perry, GA. This event provided a unique platform to showcase our autonomous triage system, designed to enhance emergency response efficiency through AI-driven medical assessment. Competing against top-tier teams, we successfully demonstrated our system’s ability to assess, prioritize, and manage casualties in real-world disaster scenarios.

ICUAS 2024

The team was ranked 2nd in Indoor navigation category and secured 3rd position overall.

IMAV 2023

The team achieved the 3rd position in the IMAV 2023 competition held in Aachen, Germany, while also earning the distinction of being recognized as the best team in Asia.

SAE DDC 2023

The team secured 3rd in both the technical design paper and overall category while competing against 75 teams.

ICUAS 2023

The team was ranked 3rd in Indoor navigation category and secured 8th position overall.

IDEX DISC 5,6 & 7

The team proudly worked for the Defense India Start-Up Challenge 5,6 & 7.


The team ranked 3rd in Technical Design and 5th in Flight Readiness Review amongst a total of 71 teams worldwide while also earning the distinction of being recognized as the best team from India.

IAF Mehar Baba Swarm Drone Competition

The team was Co-Winner of first prize in the competition and was given the title of "Best Communication Architecure". Our team successfully demonstrated a swarm of 25 drones in Pokhran over a range of 50 kms.

UAV Design Challenge PEC 2020

Our team was successfully able to design and fabricate a Unconventional UAV which was able to meet the required criterion. Our team secured 1st position.

Drone Olympics 2019

The team ranked 1st in the Formation Flying category and was awarded a cash prize of Rs.5 Lakh


The team ranked 2nd in the Design amongst a total of 63 teams worldwide with a cash barrel of $1600.


The team secured 1st position overall in both Regular and Micro classes. The competition was held in the presence of officials from DRDO and ISRO.


In SAE INDIA Aero Design Challenge UAS DTU achieved 1st position in Regular Class. Also had best Technical Presenation.

TATA UAV Launchpad

UAS DTU achieved 2nd position.

UAV Flytron

Team UAS-DTU won the third prize in UAV Flytron organized by PEC, Chandigarh on 25-26 February 2017. The team was awarded a cash prize of Rs. 40000.