The team will continue to participate in the latest edition of AUVSI SUAS, having first done so in 2009. The competition, held annually in Maryland, USA, includes development of an aerial system with imaging, target identification and payload drop capabilities.

Considered one of the biggest Robotics competition in the world. Multiple problem statements mirroring real life applications of collaborative robots in crop health monitoring and harvesting, healthcare and other similar scenarios. The team is working on developing robust rovers, robotic arms and collaborative robotics solutions for the same.

The team aims to participate in DARPA Triage Challenge, organized by United States Department of Defense. The goal of the competition is to drive breakthrough innovations in identification of “signatures” of injury that will help medical responders perform scalable, timely, and accurate triage.

The team also aims to participate in the SAE AeroConnect Challenge, a student engineering design competition in the SAE Emerging Technology Series, which provides an opportunity for students to think critically about current and future emerging technologies in the mobility engineering industry. Each program within the SAE Emerging Technology Series challenges universities to create a team of multi-disciplinary engineers to collaborate, design, present, and defend conceptual designs to industry professionals.

The team will continue to participate in the latest edition of AUVSI SUAS, having first done so in 2009. The competition, held annually in Maryland, USA, includes development of an aerial system with imaging, target identification and payload drop capabilities.