Comprises of a long flying range which extends up to more than 100 kilometers accompanied by multiple fail-safes and endurance of up to 3 hours, which is a result of it’s hybrid power system. The aircraft has a maximum takeoff weight of 22 kilograms and a payload weight of 1 kilogram with safe autonomous payload delivery system. The UAV is also capable of Human Detection and Geotagging irrespective of the time. The UAV maintains complete autonomy in mission execution with the use of Artificial Intelligence complimented by GPS denied navigation. Moreover, it also has a wide range of swarm capabilities that can be controlled by more than one entity with large scalability.
Safe and Autonomous Payload Delivery
Max Take Off Weight 22Kg
Payload Capacity 1Kg
Flight Time3.5hr
Decentralized swarm scalable upto 75 UAV's embodying the capabilities of GPS denied navigation, RGBD human tracking and night vision
Aquila160 Specs
- Range 100Km+
- Max Speed 50km/h
- Power System Hybrid
- Application Human Tracking & Reconnaissance
- Gross Take Off Weight 22Kg
- Payload Capacity 1Kg
- Swarm Scalable upto 75 UAV's
- Endurance 3 hrs